San Román de Entrepeñas
San Román de Entrepeñas. This is a beautiful route suitable for people of all ages as its difficulty is very low.
We start from Santibáñez de la Peña (the village, not the station) and head towards the mountain, following the course of the San Román stream and keeping it to our left.
Approximately one hundred meters in, we reach a two-arched stone bridge where we will cross through one of the arches and pass the stream through the other. This bridge was built to support the tracks of the La Robla train, also known as the Hullero or Bilbao-León train, as it is known by all three names.
Continuing along the path, we pass by an old, disused mill, and about five hundred meters later, amidst dense vegetation and undergrowth, we see the marked path that leads us to the Tower of San Román.
The remains of an ancient Monastery, almost entirely in ruins, are located three hundred meters towards the mountain. The sound of water accompanies us along this stretch of the path.
If we decide to continue, a path that we can discern from the old wheel ruts will lead us to a coal dump. There, it will not be difficult to find fossils and a source of iron emissions in the vicinity. Further ahead, we find a shelter with a fireplace, a fountain, a table with benches, and a loft to spend the night. At this point, we can decide whether to continue to Las Heras de la Peña, Villanueva de Arriba, or Villafría. From there, we can return to the starting point via tracks parallel to the road.
We start from Santibáñez de la Peña (the village, not the station) and head towards the mountain, following the course of the San Román stream and keeping it to our left.
Approximately one hundred meters in, we reach a two-arched stone bridge where we will cross through one of the arches and pass the stream through the other. This bridge was built to support the tracks of the La Robla train, also known as the Hullero or Bilbao-León train, as it is known by all three names.
Continuing along the path, we pass by an old, disused mill, and about five hundred meters later, amidst dense vegetation and undergrowth, we see the marked path that leads us to the Tower of San Román.
The remains of an ancient Monastery, almost entirely in ruins, are located three hundred meters towards the mountain. The sound of water accompanies us along this stretch of the path.
If we decide to continue, a path that we can discern from the old wheel ruts will lead us to a coal dump. There, it will not be difficult to find fossils and a source of iron emissions in the vicinity. Further ahead, we find a shelter with a fireplace, a fountain, a table with benches, and a loft to spend the night. At this point, we can decide whether to continue to Las Heras de la Peña, Villanueva de Arriba, or Villafría. From there, we can return to the starting point via tracks parallel to the road.